BARSNESS Anywhere_SMLBARSNESS, JeanAnywhere, Anytime, Any Cost2013As a young adult, I was challenged with obedience to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. A decision changed the direction of my life, when one night I surrendered everything…. God led me to what I believed to be the safest place on earth but I discovered that even though God is good, personal safety is not always guaranteed.
BONK Money_SMLBONK, JonathanMissions and Money: Affluence as a Missionary Problem2007Jonathan J Bonk revisits the issue of affluent missionaries working among poor people. Bonk offers new reflections in the light of a changed situation, one marked by increases in the number of short-term missionaries and increases in the numbers of Asians, Africans, and Latin Americans who are leaving their homelands to serve as missionaries to other people.
BROWN Keeper_SMLBROWN, Ronald The Keeper Side of God2014At any given time, there are a number of countries involved in ethnic wars, on the brink of a coup d’état, or in turmoil of one kind or another; …this research project [investigates]… missionary identified factors that contribute to the resiliency and retention [of those] … missionaries who have gone through traumatic events … in Africa and yet continue to work there
COOK Pathway_SMLCOOK, Charles and Joel VAN HOOGENPathway to the Soul: Reaching People Through Spirit Filled Dialogue2014Do you believe in God? A simple question. And ultimately, the question you must ask the unbeliever that will begin your gospel conversation and could lead him or her to a point of decision for Christ…. Pathway to the Soul will give you the tools you need to face down your fears of sharing Christ and enter into the conversation with spiritually lost people.
MIDDLETON McGavran_SMLMIDDLETON, VERNDonald McGavran: His Early life and Ministry2011This biography is more than one man’s interpretation of another person’s life—it has numerous traits of an autobiography. [This book] … includes insights gleaned from archives, as well as hours of discussion with both Donald and Mary McGavran about the interpretation applied to particular events [in their lives and ministry]”
REIMER Vietnam_SMLREIMER, RegVietnam’s Christians: A Century of Growth in Adversity2011In 1975, Vietnam, united under communism, fell behind a bamboo curtain. Many feared the worst for churches there. But fifteen years later, churches, especially among Vietnam’s ethnic minority mountain peoples, suddenly exploded in number and vitality
REIMER Sorrow_SMLREIMER, Reg, William D. Taylor and Antonia Van der MeerSorrow and Blood: Christian Mission in Contexts of Suffering, Persecution and Martyrdom2012Written by 62 authors from 23 countries, the new book of WEA's Mission Commission has the potential of profoundly shaping the approach to mission in today’s challenging and increasingly dangerous world. his unique book emerges as the editors grappled with challenging questions.
REMPLE Send_SMLREMPEL, Leander with Lavern FEHRBrought to a Place of Abundance: A Brief History of SEND Canada2014This book is an attempt to capture the marvelous workings of our great God as he moved his people to work together for a common cause. FEGC Canada, now known as SEND International of Canada (or simply SEND Canada), has offered Canadians a chance to get involved through prayer, finances and the act of personally giving their bodies as living sacrifices through this ministry