The Internet-based Resource section directs the learner to a variety of prominent missiological resources that provide a broad understanding of the mission task. See also the Resources tab and look under “internet-based-resources.”

BRIGADABrigada is a growing collection of web- and email-based resources staged from the offices of Team Expansion at Emerald Hills in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. The weekly Brigada Today web journal offers resources, mission trends, motivation, strategy tips, tools & “hacks” to Great Commission Christians. Brigada is edited by Doug Lucas, Team Expansion, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, and published by Tina McCormick, Team Expansion, Brownstown, IN.
CHRISTIAN AID CA assists indigenous (local) missionaries serving around the world. They are currently engaged in over 100 countries working with some 1,000 unreached people groups in places where western missionaries are no longer allowed to enter.
WORLD MISSION CENTRE Located on the campus of Southwestern Theological Seminary, the World Mission Centre is designed to enhancing Southwesterners' understanding of the biblical basis for missions, increasing their awareness of God's work among all peoples, and assisting them in identifying and embracing their role in God's mission.