CROSS-CULTURAL WORKER | Dr. Ron Koteskey and his wife Bonnie provide mental health resources for cross-cultural workers around the world |
ERIC – CULTURAL DIFFERENCE | Resources related to the term cultural difference. |
EXPLORING CULTURE | The Exploring Culture site provides “…guided discovery activities for language and culture learners based on work done by Herb Purnell, Ph. D.* (professor emeritus of applied linguistics and TESOL, Biola University) and adapted by Jean Sodemann, M. A. (International Language Learning Consultant, ret., TEAM) in consultation with the Centre for Lifelong Learning |
GLIMPSE | Glimpse graduate students will take on or advance a long-term investigative travel journalism focus area or project whether at home or while living abroad. During the first six months, graduate students work closely with the Glimpse director and other MatadorU faculty to pitch and develop stories around the project |
GOOGLE BOOK SEARCH – CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION | Resources related to the term cross-cultural communication. |
GOOGLE BOOK SEARCH – INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION | Resources related to the term intercultural communication. |
INTERCULTURAL DEVELOPMENT INVENTORY | Through the application of the Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI) and the Intercultural Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory®, we facilitate personal growth and insight and collective change in ways that improve people’s intercultural competence and their efforts at bridging cultural differences so that relationships are strengthened and the human condition is enhanced |
PEACE CORPS LIBRARY | Peace Corps Online is proud to announce that the Peace Corps Library is now available online. With over 27,000 index entries in 430 categories, this is the largest collection of Peace Corps related stories in the world. From Acting to Zucchini, you can use the Main Index to find hundreds of stories about what RPCVs with your same interests or from your Country of Service are doing today |
RACE AND ETHNICITY | The race and ethnicity collection, one of over forty literary collections on the EServer, consist of reference material, essays, and other works addressing issues of race and ethnicity in the United States |
QUESTA.COM | Interncultural communication is the term used to describe the characteristic problems, management techniques and the academic study focused on the interactions between people from different cultures |